Small Change.
Big Difference.
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Penny Appeal Canada In A Nutshell

small change,
big difference.

Penny Appeal Canada is a relief and development organization with a really BIG vision for the world. We want to create the best societies we can and break the cycles of need and poverty for good with our long term sustainable solution approach. That’s why we work to turn small change into a BIG DIFFERENCE.

Vision & Mission

Creating sustainable long term solutions to the communities we serve.


Our Team

Meet the team behind Penny Appeal Canada.



Join the #TeamOrange family and become a part of a family of volunteer change-makers.

Zakat Eligible

We build communities where orphans can receive an education and a brighter future. 160 million orphans, you can’t help them all, just help one.

Help us build a brighter future for orphans in need for roughly $2 a day.

Learn More
Support Orphans
Help us build a brighter future for orphans in need by becoming a sponsor for just $2 a day.

Support An Appeal

Around the world, Penny Appeal Canada empowers communities through thoughtful programming that prioritizes local needs. Whether it’s helping orphans access education, food and clothing, or building a well in a vulnerable community, you can make a difference by supporting one of our many programs today.


Latest Blog Posts

Read from a Penny Appeal Canada team member about how we’re taking small change and making a BIG difference!

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