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Big Difference.
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Our vision is to see a world where our organization no longer exists.

We want to achieve this by taking a holistic program approach to the communities we serve, by providing long term sustainable solutions in the areas of food, water, and education. When we focus on quality over quantity, we can create communities that are self-sustainable and lift others around them out of poverty.

Watch Our Year Two Recap

Watch Our Year Two Recap

Penny Appeal Canada is a relief and development organization with a really BIG vision for the world. We want to create the best societies we can and break the cycles of need and poverty for good. That’s a huge goal, so we have become adept at turning small change into a BIG DIFFERENCE.

Without your support, none of our efforts would have been possible. Together we have made a big impact in different communities around the world, and right here at home in Canada. Together, we have taken small changes and made a big difference.

Doesn’t that sound like the kind of world you’d want to live in?

Our Mission

Penny Appeal Canada is a relief and development organization with a really BIG vision for the world. We want to create the best societies we can and break the cycles of need and poverty for good.

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Open Mon - Fri : 9:00am - 6pm EST

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