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Clean Water Charity

Our Thirst Relief program aims to give safe access to clean water communities facing water scarcity. Support one of our sustainable, long-term projects below and help ensure your impact lasts for years to come.

Clean Water Charity

Our Thirst Relief program aims to give safe access to clean water communities facing water scarcity. Support one of our sustainable, long-term projects below.

Provide Clean Water Access Where it is Needed Most

Build a Deep Well on Behalf of You or a Loved One

Help Build a Solar Power Water Centre

Help Build a Gravity Fed Water Supply System

Contribute to Sustainable Water Supply in Yemen

people die from dirty water each year
people do not have access to clean, safe water
children die from drinking dirty water every day

Bring Thirst Relief To Those In Need

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Thirst Relief

Your Thirst Relief donations do more than provide safe water—they offer a pathway out of poverty for entire communities. With dependable access to safe, clean water, everyday activities like drinking, cooking, washing, and watering crops are free from the threat of disease.

This reliable water source also lightens the burden on women and children, who can now fetch water with ease instead of traveling miles with heavy buckets. The time and effort saved allow them to pursue education, work, and family care, fostering a brighter future for all.

Build a Deep Well

Build a well and provide clean water access to an entire community.

Have your name or the name of a loved one inscribed on a plaque beside a well and join us in ending water scarcity for a community in need. Contaminated water kills 1.5 million people every year. Your support will save lives by providing safe access to clean water through our Thirst Relief program.

Choose a country

How Does Our Deep Well Program Work?

Donate the appropriate amount for the country you wish to build a well in.


You will receive an email from our team asking who’s the name you want to be inscribed on the plaque next to the well.

Within 12 months you will receive a complete report which includes:

  • The location of the well
  • The number of beneficiaries helped
  • Pictures of the well and plaque

Sustainable Water Solutions

Our Sustainable Water Supply Systems provide communities with a dependable source of clean water with a reliable supply network, and communal storage reservoir for all to use.

Designed for long term use, these systems deliver water straight to the heart of the community in need, eliminating the need for long, tiring, and often unsafe journeys to collect water from non-potable sources. Make a Sadaqa Jariya by contributing towards a dependable, sustainable water supply that supports health and well-being for an entire community.

Solar Power Water Centers
Gravity fed Water Supply System

Solar Power Water Centers

Powered by eco-friendly solar panels, our solar powered water centers are developed by drilling wells equipped with solar pumps that draw safe water from depths of over 200 metres into large tankers. These projects provide a reliable and safe freshwater supply for entire communities.

Additionally, Solar-Powered Water Centers (SPWC) can include animal drinking water points and kitchen gardening components, further extending their positive impact on host communities.

Our Solar Power Centres start at $25,000 – $35,000 (depending on country)  and you can chose to contribute as little as $300 a month along with other generous donors towards building and sustainably transforming entire communities in Pakistan, Bangladesh or Afghanistan together for many years to come!

Select your contribution amount or build an entire power center

Gravity fed Water Supply System

A sustainable water supply system that provides maximum impact by an advanced method of delivery. By using a primary water source, a communal water storage reservoir, and an extended supply network, this system ensures water is supplied directly to households.

Your donations will be used to build these water systems such as deep boreholes, water supply networks, communal reservoirs, and water treatment plants in the Pakistan, Syria, Palestine, Yemen and Somalia.

Help build a gravity fed water supply system

100% Zakat Policy

100% Zakat Eligible

This program is Zakat Eligible! With Penny Appeal Canada, you can be sure 100% of your Zakat goes to those in need.

How Thirst Relief Donations Make A Difference

Give Water,
Give Life

Reliable access to clean water could save thousands of lives each day. With proper sanitation and easy access to fresh, clean water, communities can flourish and people everywhere can stay happy and healthy.

Our Thirst Relief appeal provides clean water to communities in Asia, Africa and the Middle East by building deep wells, setting Solar Panel Water and Power Centres, and providing sustainable water and hygiene solutions.

You can build a well that will sustain an entire community for $2000 – that’s only $5.48 a day!

Current Projects

Past Projects

The Prophet Muhammad (saw) said:
“The best charity is giving water to drink.” (Sunan al-Nasaee)

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