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Answered by Shaykh Alaa Elsayed of ISNA Canada

What is Qurbani and why do we do it?

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Answered by Shaykh Alaa Elsayed of ISNA Canada
What is Qurbani and why do we do it?

Date posted

June 8, 2021


Shaykh Alaa Elsayed


General Qurbani

Time to read

1 minute

Qurbani is what you slaughter for the sake of Allah. It is not for your own personal satisfaction, or for showing off to your family and friends. And it’s definitely not for you to post pictures and show off on social media. It’s what you do for the sake of Allah, and Allah alone.

We do Qurbani to revive the Sunnah of Prophet Ibrahim عليه السلام and the second that these are the blessings of Allah  we share with our brothers and sisters, so it’s not just that you have it, it is to share it. The third is to understand that it is not your whims and desires even though the Sunnah is to sacrifice but you are doing it for the sake of Allah to bless the people that dont have it. So we share the pleasures with everyone else around us and again declare that its for the sake of Allah .  Four is to understand that Allah gave us the Udhiyah (qurbani) to slaughter to know that Allah raises us above all, He created us for HIM and everything else for us. 

We ask Allah ﷻ to accept the Udhiyah

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