Donate to Afghanistan
Your Charity Counts with Penny Appeal
Penny Appeal Canada has dedicated efforts and resources to help the people of Afghanistan. Following a series of crises that have left millions in dire need of humanitarian relief, your support is crucial in providing vital aid to those affected by ongoing conflict, natural disasters, and socio-economic challenges in the region.
Donate to Afghanistan
Your Charity Counts with Penny Appeal
Penny Appeal Canada has dedicated efforts and resources to help the people of Afghanistan. Following a series of crises that have left millions in dire need of humanitarian relief, your support is crucial in providing vital aid to those affected by ongoing conflict, natural disasters, and socio-economic challenges in the region.
Afghanistan’s Protracted Crisis
Why Should You Donate to Afghanistan?
Afghanistan has suffered through armed conflict for the past 40 years. This has resulted in difficult socio-economic conditions, with millions of people around the country living in poverty. Ongoing conflict alongside natural disasters, have left Afghanistan’s infrastructure unable to meet the needs of its citizens. Damage, and lack of resources required for upkeep and maintenance, have left people with the inability to access basic necessities and services. This deterioration of infrastructure has resulted in an ever growing need for clean water, electricity, sanitation, and healthcare. With all these challenges happening simultaneously, a projected 23.7 million Afghans will require some form of humanitarian assistance – more than half of the country’s total population. The complexity of relief and development in Afghanistan has been further exacerbated by a transitional government that is dealing with an economy that is on the verge of collapse.

Climate concerns have also exacerbated water security in Afghanistan. Much of the damage to Afghanistan’s already fragile water infrastructure occurred in and after 2001 when large scale war broke out. Rebuilding efforts failed to meet the scale of need. A combination of drought and low snowfall in mountainous regions in the winter have steadily increased health concerns. High cases of diarrhea and other water borne diseases, especially among children, due to water insecurity and a lack of sanitation are straining the limited healthcare resources available.

Food insecurity also remains a concern in Afghanistan. The number of Afghans who face conditions of extreme hunger has gone up by 50%. More than 15 million people are not receiving an adequate caloric intake, with malnutrition increasing at alarming rates among children. Pregnant and breast-feeding women are experiencing malnutrition and are in immediate need of food. Many are not able to produce enough breast-milk to provide enough nutrition to their newborns. Formula is not an option for many new mothers as availability due to price and supply remains inaccessible.
Internal displacement and migration driven by the above factors have compounded the crisis. Many are forced to relocate to other parts of the country due to a lack of food and water, extended drought conditions, conflict, or natural disasters. More than 550,000 people have been internally displaced. A further 500,000 have had to return to Afghanistan from Pakistan due to newly implemented policies directed towards undocumented residents. This sudden influx of people has only exacerbated the already dire situation in Afghanistan.
With the recent government transition, women in Afghanistan are especially at risk. As healthcare facilities continue to deteriorate, Afghan women are experiencing the highest maternal mortality rates in the world, at 638 women dying per 100,000 live births. Safety and security of women remains a large concern. Women and young girls face the threat of violence, including sexual violence. Complete disenfranchisement of women from the education system means women have no future and little chance of fully participating in society.
As the country is heavily reliant on international aid, your donation to Afghanistan is vitally important, and could be a matter of life or death. We urge you to dedicate your charitable contributions to this cause.

Relief Efforts when You Donate to Afghanistan
Food Distribution
During the Islamic months of Ramadan and Dhul-Hijja, Penny Appeal has distributed food packs to needy families in various villages through the Feed Our World program. These food packs contain a provision of nutritious ingredients families can prepare, including meat, cooking oil, flour, and more. Food packs are given throughout the entire month of Ramadan, on the occasion of Dhul-Hijja, and food distributions. These distributions have taken place in the Logar, Faryab, Herat, Kabul, Nangarhar, Wardak, Kabul areas of the country, and have benefited 10,000 approximately people so far. Your continuing donation to Afghanistan ensures that more food distributions take place and our beneficiary impact expands to help more people.
Emergency Response and Winterization
When a 6.3 magnitude earthquake struck the province of Herat, Penny Appeal was quick to respond. Launching a Canada wide “Donate to Afghanistan” campaign, raising funds to distribute food packs containing nutritional provisions of sustenance, hygiene kits, emergency shelter kits, including blankets, and clean water. Thanks to your efforts, more than 2,100 beneficiaries received relief. This earthquake coincided with the approach of winter. Due to the influx of forced returnees from Pakistan back to Afghanistan Penny Appeal was able to mobilize resources to provide winter relief kits to more than 3,000 beneficiaries. Winter relief kits included fuel for heating, winter blankets, as well as various winter clothes items.
Water Projects
Water Projects
Penny Appeal has implemented a number of water projects throughout the country. These projects include the installation of water wells, hand water pumps, solar water pumps and centres, and water filtration plants in various regions around Afghanistan. Through our Thirst Relief program, your charity donation to Afghanistan has helped more than 15,000 Afghans gain access to safe, clean water for drinking, cooking, and washing, as well as alleviated burdens caused by drought.

How to Donate to Afghanistan
Making A Difference

We at Penny Appeal Canada ensure that your Afghanistan donations go directly to those most in need. Make your payments easily online today.
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