Donate to Tanzania
Your Charity Counts with Penny Appeal
Tanzania, a country rich in natural beauty and cultural diversity, is facing significant humanitarian challenges that demand immediate attention. Through collaborative efforts with local partners on the ground, Penny Appeal Canada has been using your Tanzania charity efforts to address some of the pressing needs in the country. Despite its many strengths, Tanzania grapples with socio-economic hardships exacerbated by various factors.
Donate to Tanzania
Your Charity Counts with Penny Appeal
Tanzania, a country rich in natural beauty and cultural diversity, is facing significant humanitarian challenges that demand immediate attention. Through collaborative efforts with local partners on the ground, Penny Appeal Canada has been using your Tanzania charity efforts to address some of the pressing needs in the country. Despite its many strengths, Tanzania grapples with socio-economic hardships exacerbated by various factors.
The Current Humanitarian Situation in Tanzania
Tanzania’s Food Security Challenge
Food insecurity remains a significant cause of concern in Tanzania, driven by a combination of factors, including poverty, climate variability, and inadequate agricultural practices. Rates of poverty have hindered the ability of people to access adequate food and nutrition. This has been exacerbated by price increases due to inflationary pressures and climate driven scarcity of crop yields. 20% of families cannot access a diet with adequate calories due to affordability. A staggering 34% of children are stunted. Prolonged drought conditions, followed by erratic rainfall patterns, and limited access to modern farming techniques contribute to reduced crop yields and food shortages.
Tanzania’s Water Crisis
Tanzania continues to grapple with an alarming water insecurity issue. Inadequate water infrastructure, climate change induced reduction in rainfall, increased risk of drought, as well as increased water demands due to a rise in population, have contributed to worrying numbers. 58 million people in the country lack access to safe water. A staggering 49 million people lack access to safe toilets. These conditions have increased Tanzania’s rates of waterborne diseases such as outbreaks of cholera and malaria. Rural areas are particularly affected, as are vulnerable populations like women and children. Women and girls living under conditions of poverty spend a significant amount of their time traveling long distances to fetch water, having detrimental long term effects on their health and well being.
Your Donations to Tanzania at Work:
Qurbani Distribution:
During the Islamic month of Dhull-Hijja, meat is distributed among people, including those that are facing conditions of poverty. For many in challenging financial situations, this is the only time they are able to cook and eat meat. Known as Qurbani, Penny Appeal Canada works to distribute Qurbani meat in Tanzania from donations received throughout the year via the Feed Our World program. Penny Appeal Canada facilitates the purchase, slaughter, and distribution of the meat to identified beneficiaries and families. Your Tanzania charity contributions have resulted in more than 3,800 beneficiaries through this distribution.
Ramadan Food Distribution
During the Islamic month of Ramadan, Penny Appeal Canada conducted distributions to help alleviate financial burdens associated with purchasing food for families. A healthy provision of rice, beans, sugar, cooking oil, flour, and other essentials were provided to 120 families. Thanks to your donations to Tanzania, more than 800 people benefited from this distribution.

Food Packs
Clean Water
Medical Kits
Shelter Kits
Donations to Tanzania Remain Vital
The humanitarian needs in Tanzania are complex, requiring sustained support and intervention from the international community. Your Tanzania donations can make a meaningful impact on the lives of people, helping to alleviate difficult circumstances beyond their control. Donate to Penny Appeal Canada’s Feed Our World to contribute to our charitable efforts in Tanzania.

Making A Difference

We at Penny Appeal Canada ensure that your Tanzania donations go directly to those most in need. Make your payments easily online today.
Donate to Tanzania today

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